Lien On Me: Through the Eyes of Teachers
Did you know teachers do not believe teaching matters? This has bothered me ever since I read the Learning Forward article, “ Flip the Script on Change” by Thomas Guskey in April 2020. Guskey cited research by Evans, Teasdale, Gannon-Slater, La Londe, Crenshaw, Greene, & Schwandt, 2019 that investigated teachers’ perceptions of student achievement data. This study found teachers associated students’ performance to instruction merely 15% of the time. More often, teachers believed that student achievement was a result of student characteristics, like behavior and backgrounds, although decades of compelling studies have indicated teachers have two to three times the impact of any other school factor. What worries me is that if teachers have little confidence in instruction, then we have not been focusing on what makes a difference for student learning. Curriculums and assessments are meaningless without instruction and ineffective without teachers believing instruction influence...